Litigation - Law Essentials


We can help you with disputes and any court matter

Law Essentials can advise and act for clients (individuals, small business or large corporations) involved in litigation such as commercial disputes, ranging from business partnership breakdowns, protection of and disputes concerning intellectual property, corporate and personal insolvency, contractual disputes, trade practices law, bankruptcy, statutory demands and criminal law. If you are unsure whether or not we can assist you please contact us.

Wherever possible, Law Essentials seeks a pragmatic, ‘resolution-focused’ approach to disputes to deliver a timely and cost-effective “win/win” outcome.

If the circumstances of the case require a different approach, Law Essentials will “fight the fight” in order to best protect your position.

Forms and information about litigation and disputes in Queensland

Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) Forms
Queensland Dividing Fences – Self Help Kit
Queensland Tree Disputes – Self Help Kit
Debt Disputes in Queensland